
1. Onemogućite vrijeme kod instaliranja add-ona u Firefoxu
1. Upišite about:config i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I'll be careful, I promise!".
3. U "Filter" traci upišite security.dialog_enable_delay.
4. Umjesto defaultnog 2000 upišite 0.
5. Restartirajte Firefox.

2. Ubrzati Firefox
1. Upišite about:config u Firefox adresnoj traci i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I'll be careful, I promise!".
3. U "Filter" polje upišite pipelining.
4. Dvaput kliknite na opciju network.http.pipelining kako bi izmjenilo svoju vrijednost na true.
5. Dvostruki klik na opciju network.http.proxy.pipelining.
6. Dvostruki klik na opciju network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, zatim postavite vrijednost na 100 u prozorčić koji se pojavi. Kliknite na "OK" da biste potvrdili izmjene.
7. Restartirajte Firefox.

3. Označite cijeli tekst kad kliknete na adresnu traku
1. Idite na about:config, i kliknite na "I'll be careful, I promise!".
2. U Filter polje upišite browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll.
3. Dva puta kliknite da promjenite na true.
4. Restartirajte Firefox.

4. Favoriti, povijest, itd. na desnoj strani
Otvorite sa tekstualnim editorom datoteku userChrome.css koja se nalazi u folderu vašeg profila (.mozilla), i dodajte ovo:
/* Display the sidebar in opposite side */
#browser {
-moz-box-direction: reverse;

5. Automatsko čišćenje download liste
1. Upišite about:config i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I'll be careful, I promise!".
3. U "Filter" traci upišite
4. Desni klik "Modify" i upišite 1.
5. Restartirajte Firefox.

6. Automatski početak u Private Browsing modu
1. Upišite about:config i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I'll be careful, I promise!".
3. U "Filter" traci upišite browser.privatebrowsing.autostart.
4. Dva puta kliknite da promjenite na vrijednost true.
5. Restartirajte Firefox.

7. Uklonite gumb New Tab
Otvorite datoteku userChrome.css i dodajte ovo:
.tabs-newtab-button {display: none;}

8. Ako vam je Firefox prespor možete probati i ovo
U filter polje upišite about:memory
Onda kliknete na opciju :
Minimize memory usage

9. Prikazati URL preko Add-on Bar:
Dodati u userChrome.css:
z-index: 1 !important;
bottom: 1px !important;

z-index: 0 !important;

10. Ukloniti Undo i Cut iz izbornika desnog klika
Dodati u userChrome.css:
menuseparator { display: none;}

menuseparator { display: none;}

11. Kreirajte chrome folder i userChrome.css
* Edit this file and copy it as userChrome.css into your
* profile-directory/chrome/

* This file can be used to customize the look of Mozilla's user interface
* You should consider using !important on rules which you want to
* override default settings.

* Do not remove the @namespace line -- it's required for correct functioning
@namespace url(""); /* set default namespace to XUL */

* Some possible accessibility enhancements:
* Make all the default font sizes 20 pt:
* * {
* font-size: 20pt !important
* }
* Make menu items in particular 15 pt instead of the default size:
* menupopup > * {
* font-size: 15pt !important
* }
* Give the Location (URL) Bar a fixed-width font
* #urlbar {
* font-family: monospace !important;
* }

* For more examples see

12. Uklonite tražilicu iz Bookmarks sekcije u Firefoxu
Dodati u userChrome.css:
#bookmarksPanel #sidebar-search-container {

13. Uklonite obavijesti u Firefoxu
1. Upišite about:config i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I accept the risk!".
3. U tražilici upišite: webno
4. Promjenite vrijednost true u false - dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled
5. Promjenite vrijednost true u false - dom.webnotifications.enabled
6. Restartirajte Firefox.

14. Očitavanje userChrome.css
1. Upišite about:config i pritisnite "Enter".
2. Kliknite na gumb "I'll be careful, I promise!".
3. U "Filter" traci upišite toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets.
4. Dva puta kliknite da promjenite vrijednost na true.
5. Restartirajte Firefox.